Men's strength is considered the main advantage during the fertile period of the stronger sex. Folk wisdom says: "The young love hooligans, the young love the rich, the mature love reliable men. ""Only one thing does not change, all women love male power. The desire for power is an ancient female instinct, it cannot be eradicated from the genetic code. In modern society, male power means sexual energy and potency. How to strengthen male power at the age of 25, increase and expand at age 45-50 and maintain at age 60-70 Find out now.
What is male power, how to understand it?
Men's strength is determined by the level of specific androgens - male sex hormones - in the blood. The best-known androgen is testosterone. Its presence in the male body is genetically determined, and its level within normal limits depends on hereditary factors. Testosterone levels determine a person's male behavior and the severity of secondary sexual characteristics. A broad and original definition of what male power is in folklore. It sounds like borderline decency, but it has a deep meaning.
Male power is what makes a woman scream at night and laugh during the day.
We agree that it's worse if a woman "laughs" at her partner's sluggish potency at night, and screams in irritation at everyday trifles during the day. A woman, if she doesn't have a huge amount of sperm and a drop of accumulated estrogen, is a capricious and unfaithful being.
How women and men understand male power
Sex is an intimate relationship between two people. Consider the opinions of both sexual partners. They are strangely different. We present the results of a relevant men's and women's sociological survey on the topic, what is male power? How different parties understand it. First, men's opinions, then women's important clarifications.
- High testosterone levels. The level is determined by heredity, within the physiological norm. A testosterone level below or above normal is a pathology. A normal level of the hormone is enough to excite and please a woman. Broad bones, powerful muscles, short stature, rough voice, hairiness have nothing to do with male power in bed. Secondary sexual characteristics may please or even excite the female, but nothing more.
- Big penis. A big "friend" is of course good, but its size does not greatly affect the strength of a woman's orgasm. The size of a man's penis is usually a pleasant addition on the first or second date.
- Able to perform simple movements for long periods of time. O-O-O-O-O la-la, to say the least. Yes, five or ten powerful thrusts "turn on" the vagina better than one hundred or two hundred boring frictions for an hour.
- Powerful erection. Both groups agree on this. All female and male fantasies are related to erection. Erections are testosterone, penis size, and the ability to blow the mind with prolonged screams and screams.
Thus, according to both interviewed groups, the male erection is a force that helps the man control the behavior of the woman during the day and attracts him at night.
Reasons that reduce male potency
Let's put aside the opinion of the ladies of Balzac's age that a man's strength lies in taking care of his family, women and children. This is an important aspect of male behavior, but it has nothing to do with the topic of this article. We are talking about a specific power that needs to be protected and that can be lost. A man reaches his greatest strength at around 25 years of age. Then it gradually decreases after about 45 years. Some individuals manage to maintain their masculinity into their 60s and 70s.
Reasons that negatively affect male potency
Stress and depression are emotional stress. Chronic experiences greatly suppress a man's sexual health. Sometimes the experiences develop into pathogenesis and completely turn off libido and male power.
- Excessive physical activity. Although physical activity has a positive effect on male potency, it ensures blood supply to the pelvic organs. At the same time, hard, monotonous work under chronic stress causes the body to wear out prematurely, which is why male strength fades 5-10 years faster on average.
- Steroid hormones, their level in the blood of a healthy person is within the physiological norm. The level inevitably decreases with age.
- Chronic, non-infectious diseases. The main, most famous one is high blood pressure. High blood pressure and some high blood pressure medications block masculine energy. Other diseases that reduce potency. Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland in men, which often occurs between the ages of 40 and 45. Suffered from mumps as a child. Weakness in men is a symptom of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- Chronic infectious diseases. Complications of sexually transmitted diseases, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia lead to early impotence.
- Bad habits. The most well-known habits are drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism. A lesser-known cause that greatly suppresses potency is overeating. Specifically, the risk of premature loss may be associated with obesity.
- Age limit. Physical decline is an inevitable consequence of life. After a certain age, usually after 60-70 years, the cessation of sexual activity leads to an irreversible loss of male potency. In some men, these processes can develop much earlier, even at the age of 35-45.
The greatest damage to male potency can be caused by the combined effect of the above-mentioned factors. At a young age, at the age of 20-30, male strength does not require correction, hormones are out of whack. Problems related to the loss of potency begin after about 30 years, earlier for some, later for others.
How to increase male strength at the age of 30-40
The maximum effect appears in a healthy man at about 20-25 years of age. Then the processes of catabolism are gradually activated. At a young age, carefully stimulate male strength, refrain from strong drugs. Folk remedies and special practices are sufficient for its growth and maintenance.
Folk remedies to preserve male strength
At home, preparations based on plant substances are used to improve potency. Traditional medicine is based on the centuries-old wisdom of herbalists. Plants used to increase the strength of males up to the age of 30-40.
- Ginger root (rhizome) is the most famous folk remedy for increasing male desire for the female body. In Ayurvedic cooking, it is used in raw, dried, pickled form. Potions and tinctures are made to enhance erection.
- Horseradish is a Russian Viagra. It is recommended in the form of strong homemade kvass, infused with horseradish root. Drinking a glass at night helps almost every healthy man who experiences increased stress in his sex life.
- St. John's wort. Fermented tea infused with St. John's wort is recommended in case of stress and to preserve male strength.
- Blooming Sally. Infusion of boiling water helps well in cases of reduced potency, prostate adenoma and prostatitis.
- Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus tincture or tablet is a pharmacopoeial preparation. It is sold in pharmacies.
- Ginseng. The ginseng-based preparation, which is an excellent adaptogen, has a pronounced stimulating effect on male strength.
- Castorium. The only animal product on the list. This is the name of the beaver stream, a secretion of the male beaver's musk gland. Use it to increase male potency in the form of an alcoholic tincture.
Male enhancement exercises
They can be divided into general physical and special exercises. In fact, both types of exercise develop endurance and male strength.
- Kegel exercises for men. Exercise system for strengthening and stimulating the pelvic muscles and improving the blood flow of the corpus cavernosum of the penis. Helps to increase endurance in bed, exercises are developed for men and women.
- Planck exercises. Gymnastic system for pumping the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis, hips and buttocks. If performed correctly, the effect of male power can be achieved in love affairs. The exercises are designed for men and women.
How to strengthen male strength at the age of 40-45
Gray hair in the beard, demon in the ribs. That's what they say about the midlife crisis. During this period, desire lags behind opportunities. Young ladies aged 25-30 have not yet refused intimate communication with an impressive 40-year-old man with noble gray hair. Although misfires are happening more and more often. How to improve a man's power so that the possibilities reach the magnitude of desire.
Products that quickly increase potency in men
A young body, flexible, tight, round, still excites the aging womanizer. Meanwhile, there are alarming signs of the weakening of male power. Sometimes there are misfires, the erection falls during intimacy, the penis does not rise sufficiently before intercourse, the completion is either delayed or not completed at all. In addition, male diseases become more common after the age of 40: prostatitis, adenoma, hormonal disorders. During this period, the man can cope without stimulants for a while. Limit the consumption of stimulating foods.
List of foods that stimulate desire and increase male potency.
- seafood (oysters, mussels, shrimp, squid);
- Sea fish (stingray meat, shark fin);
- Meat (rabbit, beef, lamb);
- Greens (celery, parsley, spinach, dill);
- Fruits, vegetables (avocado, pomegranate, fig, cabbage, beetroot);
- Nuts (pine, walnut, hazelnut).
At the age of the middle-aged crisis, you should remember to limit the consumption of products on the list of chronic diseases.
A medicine to increase the efficiency of men
In some cases, in order to increase the strength of men, drugs should be used as monotherapy and in combination with dietary supplements.
- Substances that inhibit the activity of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzyme. In a simplified form, inhibition of PDE 5 leads to violent erections with increased blood pressure. That is, due to their effect, the cavernous body of the penis is selectively filled with venous blood. Scientists have synthesized three types of PDE 5 inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil). These substances should be used with caution in case of high blood pressure.
- Substances that increase the activity of an enzyme called ATP synthase. This group of dietary supplements is available for patients with high blood pressure, as blood flow to the penis occurs through a different mechanism, without an increase in blood pressure.
- Selective alpha-2 adrenergic blockers. Preparations based on this improve spermatogenesis and increase potency due to the selective flow of venous blood to the pelvic organs. In some cases, instead of improving the psychological mood, it can cause depression.
- Non-selective alpha-2 adrenergic blockers. It does not selectively relieve spasms of the body's blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow in the body's capillaries and arterioles. We will discuss the appointment with the treating doctor.
- Androgens. Only as prescribed by the attending physician. Analogues of male sex hormones. It is used exclusively for the loss of male potency due to a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. In other cases, on the contrary, it can cause impotence.
- Serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Serotonin is an amino acid byproduct, officially known as the feel-good hormone. Medicines improve male potency, mainly due to psychological problems.
How to quickly restore a man's strength at the age of 60-70
From the point of view of male strength, the age of 70 is critical. On the one hand, age-related physiological problems accumulate as the body ages and functions fade. On the other hand, the number of chronic pathologies is increasing (hypertension, diabetes, prostatitis, many others). After the age of 60, male strength must be protected. Irregular sex at this age is dangerous due to irreversible decline. All prescriptions must be discussed with the treating physician. Kegel exercises at this age may be the only way to increase male strength without consulting a doctor. The principle of the exercise is periodic compression and relaxation of the buttock muscles. Regular repetition of 10-15 minutes a day is an effective tool for prolonging male strength. The addition of nuts and moderately potency-stimulating foods to the diet prolongs sexual activity.
Is self-healing possible?
Noticing the deterioration of their sexual health, many men prefer to solve this problem on their own, avoiding consultation with a specialist and without devoting their partner to the details. No wonder. For many people, the word "impotence" means a death sentence. However, modern medicine has long proven that intimate intimacy is possible not only in the light of life. You just need to properly monitor your sexual health.
Some drugs to increase potency contain various chemical elements that have a negative effect on the body and have many contraindications. However, you can buy a drug on a natural basis that does not cause addiction to the patient.
In any case, it is better to consult a doctor first to prevent unwanted reactions. In fact, a lot depends on the individual characteristics of each male body in this matter, sometimes it is better to play it safe.
Male power
A common problem is impotence, which can be solved with medication, lifestyle changes, and home recipes. A man's strength will certainly be restored if he chooses the right medicine or traditional method of therapy, which is also confirmed by the reviews. Problems related to the potency of adolescent men become a serious nervous shock, causing complexes. All difficulties can be overcome if you manage to find a suitable solution.
What does male potency depend on?
Recent tests by scientists have shown that potency develops in men during conception, so genetics primarily affects temperament. Another important factor affecting sexual functioning is the psychological atmosphere in the couple. In addition, a man's power depends on his relationship with parents, friends and colleagues. Lack or excess of certain substances can weaken potency or, on the contrary, increase it, so nutrition plays an important role.
A person's physical activity, healthy lifestyle and lack of excess weight, regardless of age, have a positive effect on erection and fatigue during sexual intercourse. If a person does not exercise much, on the contrary, this leads to potency problems even in naturally occurring stallions who are not exposed to stress and other negative factors. It is worth noting that sexual power can disappear due to health problems. In addition, potency is affected not only by diseases, but also by the medications taken.
How to increase male strength
To restore male potency and regain your former sexuality, you should follow the following recommendations:
- Ensure adequate rest.
- At least take a short break from the computer, TV, or phone.
- Check with your doctor regularly and start treatment immediately if you notice the first symptoms of diseases of the urogenital system.
- Don't worry too much emotionally about minor difficulties.Constant stress negatively affects men's sexual power.
For those who are thinking about how to increase male strength, it is important to rethink your diet. Many problems of the body are associated with improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and valuable microelements. In order to increase male potency, it is important to consume the following products:
Folk remedies to increase potency in men
You can use folk remedies to improve male potency and regain strength lost due to old age, illness or bad lifestyle. It is not difficult to prepare medicines for the restoration of sexual function at home, and they have practically no contraindications and do not cause side effects. Celery juice is one of the most effective drugs for improving male potency. In addition, it is worth paying attention to beekeeping products, herbs, and certain vegetables.
This unique product has a good effect on the whole body and the reproductive system. Natural honey helps normalize male libido, improves sexual function, sperm quality and increases sperm viability. Thanks to its unique composition, this beekeeping product relieves inflammation of the urogenital system and prevents the development of impotence.
Below is the recipe for the male enhancement tincture:
- Grind 100 g of ginseng root.
- Add 0. 5 liters of water.
- Bring the mixture to a boil.
- Add 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.
- Drink ½ cup every day until the tincture is gone.
The secret of the product's effect on the body and the benefits of male potency lies in its rich composition. Propolis contains vanadium, chromium, copper, cobalt, nickel, silicon, strontium, titanium, zinc and is rich in vitamins B, E, H and P. The antiseptic properties of propolis help fight inflammation of the prostate gland and prostate adenoma.Since ancient times, medicines based on this product have been prepared to increase libido and restore male sexual function.
To prepare the potency tincture, you will need:
- Grind 20 g of propolis.
- Add 80 ml of alcohol (70%).
- Infuse the mixture in a dark glass bottle for 7 days.
- Filter the resulting infusion through a cloth.
- Drink 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, dilute 40 drops with a glass of water.
- Keep refrigerated. The duration of the treatment is 2 weeks.
Aspen bark
The best folk remedy for improving potency is poplar bark. In addition to sexual power, a man can also use medicinal tincture to get rid of prostatitis and prevent other diseases. Asters contain phagocytes and flavonoids, the positive effect of these elements on the body has been proven by experts. To prepare the tincture, you can prepare the bark yourself or buy it at the pharmacy.
The potency-enhancing drug is produced according to the following recipe:
- Prepare 2 tbsp. spoon crushed poplar bark.
- Pour over 1 cup of boiling water.
- Let it stand for 30 minutes.
- To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey, which increases the effectiveness of its use.
- The medicine should be taken before meals.
In terms of nutrient content, few plants can compete with pumpkins. The vegetable contains vitamin A, group B, K, T, C, E and PP. In addition, pumpkin contains enzymes, proteins and nitrogenous compounds. Among microelements, vegetable pulp is rich in calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron and cobalt. Pumpkin seeds contain stearin, oleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, phytosterols, carotenoids and proteins. Thanks to this, the consumption of vegetables has a positive effect on blood circulation, the functioning of the urinary system, and the production of male sex hormones.
More information: Non-lactation discharge from the chest: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Recipe for pumpkin balls to increase potency:
- 0. 5 kg of raw seeds are ground.
- Add 250-300 ml of liquid honey.
- Form balls the size of hazelnuts.
- Dissolve one ball in the morning before a meal.
The daily consumption of this product strengthens and cleans the blood vessels, as a result of which it is used to eliminate erectile dysfunction. To increase efficiency, use the following recipe:
- Chop 1 kg of garlic.
- Place in a 3 liter glass jar.
- Pour warm boiled water over it.
- Leave it for 30 days.
- Take 3 tsp of the product. daily.
What does a man's strength depend on?
What depends on the sexual activity of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, their masculine power?
Sexual relationships occupy an important place in everyone's life. Attraction, passion, love - these feelings always take over, as Voltaire said, "the head, the heart and the body". It's just that this "call of the body" occurs with different frequency in each individual. So what does a man's strength depend on?
Sexual activity is the average frequency of sexual intercourse characteristic of a given person. Why does one man live an active daily sex life for many years, while another cannot or does not need such activity?
Main factors influencing male potency (male sexual activity)
- Sexual figure.
- General state of health, presence of diseases that negatively affect sexual function, use of psychoactive drugs.
- Circle.
- Various social and personal factors (influence of national and religious traditions, living conditions, level of culture, moral and ethical attitudes).
Diseases and "male power"
There are many diseases that negatively affect sex life. Above all, attention should be paid to the timely recognition and competent treatment of diabetes mellitus, acute and chronic prostatitis, urethritis, varicose veins of the spermatic cord, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases. In these cases, you should consult a specialist - an andrologist or urologist, as well as a cardiologist.
A common cause of a decrease in "male strength" is various functional disorders caused by overwork, acute or chronic stress and other factors. In this case, the temporary failure of sexual relations is reflexively strengthened, and the so-called failure neurosis, the fear of sexual intercourse, occurs. At the same time, thereal "male power" is perfectly fine, but short-term psychotherapeutic help is needed to eliminate the failure syndrome embedded in the mind.
Sexual activity and age
In order to normalize sexual relations, it is important to give up bad habits at any age, exercise regularly, and use natural remedies - hardening, physical education, breathing exercises, proper nutrition, acupressure using general strengthening points - health - long life.
This allows you to maintain male strength, that is, an adequate level of sexual activity at the age of 30, 50 and 70. Of course, such activities will vary by age. At a young age - maximum, at an old age - minimum. If newlyweds can make love several times a day for many months, then in adulthood sexual activity decreases to 1-3 times a week, and in old age to 1-3 times a month. Of course, we must not forget about possible sexual abilities either, because a person with a weak sexual constitution will be less active even at the age of 25-30 than a 60-year-old man who naturally has a strong sexual constitution.
We should also not forget the influence of factors such as living conditions, national, religious and cultural traditions, and moral principles on male strength. At the same time, a man with a strong sexual constitution may be unable to have sexual intercourse for a long time, or even throughout his life. Fortunately, the male body is able to cope with this problem on a physiological level through nocturnal emissions.